Honest Abe once held this same banister
The local Guide Dogs for the Blind Association said that the ideal boarders would need to be able to look after the dogs all the time.The guide dog would need structured walks at least twice a day and must follow a very strict set of rules about exercise, grooming and diet titbits are not allowed.Any variation from the dog's usual routine could affect its ability to guide and if the rules are broken, the dog might have to be retrained, at a cost of aroundAt the moment when their owners are unable to look after them they're flown to a guide dog training centre in Exeter, which is time consuming and expensive. Ken Syvret is chairman of the Jersey branch of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association and he said that, although looking after a guide dog isn't difficult, it is important."It's not a difficult job we're asking people to do but it is one that is important as far as the dogs health and care is concerned."There are three things we need to look at, Chea...